Sunsets and Showers – Yarn
After gathering all my photographic inspiration of the wintry sunsets and showers of West Kilbride, my next task was to find yarn. This is the fun bit in weaving as it means scouring through shade cards and websites, and then squishing lots of yarns. The choice of yarns is really important to me as I […]
Sky project
It’s coming up to the end of February so it must be time for me to head back down to Bradford for college. I’ve been having fun with my final project, which is based on the idea of the sky above you changing on a daily basis. The colours are of an ecru background with […]
So my plans on regular blogging have, as usual, fallen by the wayside a bit as life has majorly gotten in the way. The house decoration, as always, took a lot longer to complete, and this prevented me from being able to get near any looms for a while. They’ve all been found again and […]
Summer is now slowly ebbing away but things are still very busy at Knit 1 Girl 1. All things yarny had to cease for a few weeks as my asthma that hasn’t bothered me for years came back with a vengeance. Unfortunately, it seems to be triggered by hayfever, dust, and anything fuzzy or fluffy, […]
Rush Hour
It’s been very busy here at Knit 1 Girl 1 over the past couple of months, and it’s felt like I’ve been in a perpetual rush hour. I’ve been teaching a couple of classes in weaving again at Once A Sheep. The first was another rigid heddle sample-it weaving day, which resulted in everyone being […]
Bradford and other travels
Apologies for the huge gaps in posts. I know I promised I would be better at this blogging thing, but it’s been a hectic few months. First of all I should have a quick mention about my trip to Woolfest. A group of us from the Guild and Once A Sheep invaded Cockermouths Travelodge at […]
Trying to overcome procrastination
Ok, so it’s February and my ideas of trying to blog regularly have gotten a tad waylaid yet again. But I have been busy procrastinating and creating various things in the meantime. First of all, 3 sheep decided to come into my workroom. These sheep were quite demanding and asked for shawls as it was […]