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  • How to Weave a Triangle on a Schacht Zoom Loom

    How to Weave a Triangle on a Schacht Zoom Loom

    Schacht Zoom Looms are great for weaving squares. However, sometimes a square is not enough and you need a triangle as well for your project.

    In this blog post I will talk you through how I weave triangles on my Schacht Zoom Loom and I hope it helps you.

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  • Table Looms are Fun Sampler

    Table Looms are Fun Sampler

    Tables are fun and you can create lots of fun and exciting patterns by playing about. In this blog post we explain how to read threading charts and pattern drafts and give you instructions to make your own fun sampler.
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  • How to Choose the Best Rigid Heddle Loom for You

    How to Choose the Best Rigid Heddle Loom for You

    So you've decided you've wanted to give weaving go and you think that a rigid heddle loom is for you but there's so many choices out there that you might not know which loom to choose.

    Well, don't worry as in this blog post we're going to talk through what we recommend to new weavers when they are looking to get their first rigid heddle loom.

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  • Cornish Summer Skies Scarf Weave-along

    Cornish Summer Skies Scarf Weave-along

    Welcome to our first free weaving pattern blog post at Weft Blown!

    As a weaving teacher I've been wanting to create a series of patterns for people to weave in the comfort of their own home. So this will be the first pattern in this new series.

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  • A Meteorological Weaving Journey

    A Meteorological Weaving Journey

    Hello everyone and welcome back to the Weft Blown Blog and hello to all of you who have discovered Weft Blown over the past few months.

    This blog has been in hibernation over the past few months as we've been so busy keeping up with day-to-day running of Weft Blown that we've not had time to post.

    However, things are now settled down now with my husband Rob jumping onto Team Weft Blown full-time and this blog can be brought back to life.

    So, I thought it'd be good to use this blog mainly for my handwoven textiles and the process behind weaving them and starting with where my inspiration comes from.

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