When I moved into the studio in December I pretty much threw everything in as I had to get my head down to weave all the things for college. So, it’s not really been working at it’s full potential as a work space and needed a shift around.
It took a couple of days, and a bit of wheezing when I put all the yarn in it’s new home, but it’s now functioning rather nicely and feels much better to work in.
Weft Blown workspace and teaching studio
It’s also working a lot better for classes too as people can now see all the yarn and dive right in, and the spinners have plenty of space to play with fibre too.
My creative juices are flowing now as I can see the yarn that is there and work out what to weave it into. There’s a lot and I really need to use up a fair chunk of the stash in the next few months before I can look at getting more weaving specific yarn later in the year.
My confidence in my weaving has really come together since June, and even more so when I got my results from college and saw that I passed with great grades. It’s great to have that validation as working on your own can be tough and it’s hard to keep convincing yourself that “if you weave it, it might sell”.
Weaving has recommenced and things are being added to the web shop and Etsy.
I’m really excited about what’s on Vicky the floor loom at the moment as I’m taking forward one of my cushion patterns and having a play with yarns and textures.
Handspun and shiny yarns ready to be woven
This is the start of the stash bust as there are a fair bit of small skeins of handspun that I hope will work great with what I’m planning. I’m desperate to get some textural handspun woven so that people can see what can be done with art yarns.
The front studio is next to get the makeover treatment, which will hopefully be next week.
This may affect opening hours for a day or se as a wall is being built, and then I need to paint and revamp how it all looks.
I’m looking forward to it and photos of the finished result will be in the next post.