Special Offers
We have a range of special offers across our website as well as our Sale.
We also have bundle deals on weaving looms.
Use Code WHEELFLUFF to get any 5 Shetland Fibres free when bought with any Spinning Wheel
Get Free Bottle of Ashford Oil with an spinning wheel using code FREEOIL
Use Code CARDERFLUFF to get any 5 Shetland Fibres free when bought with any Drum Carder
Buy 10 or more Texsolv Heddles get 5% off using code TEXSOLV10
To use the Discount Codes you need to enter both the product and the free/discounted item/s at checkout.
Then enter the code at checkout as shown in the image below.
The discount is only shown at Checkout and not in the Cart page.
You can use multiple codes but the cart does decide which one works out best and we are unable to override this feature.
You can also use the discount codes above by clicking on them and they will automatically add the code to Checkout.
If you have any issues with our discount codes then do contact us.